. . . welcome to the web site
Welcome to the Iris Bromige section of my web site. I left home with my mother's copy of 'The Challenge of Spring' in my bags and have been looking for additions to my 'collection' ever since. I can't claim to be doing very well on that front but I can gather information about the books even if I can't gather the books themselves. Please let me know if you have any corrections or additions which will help me to improve these pages.
-*- Author Biography
A work-in-progress based for the moment on book blurbs. Additional
information welcomed!
-*- List of Titles
Not only a list of titles but a method of accessing the 'catalogue cards',
web pages that give dust jacket illustrations, blurbs, and editions and reprint information.
-*- Character Index and Biography
The only-just-started section on each of the major characters; their lives
and their appearances in books other than their 'own'.
-*- The Rainwood Family Tree
A list of the members of Iris Bromige's most famous family - the Rainwoods.
This pages sets out their relative ages, marriages, and children.
-*- Wants List
Help those of us wanting to complete our collections by contacting us if you
have books to sell. Contact me to list your own wants on this page.
-*- 'Rainwood' - an Iris Bromige Mailing List
Just send a blank e-mail to here or contact me.